I'm RoseloveDoodles (but on her alt account)
I'm back again with another essay (lol) here is my previous one.
If you haven't read the last announcement completely or have forgotten it, let me remind:
About wiki staff members...
Maybe you know.
There are only 8 staff and 1 bot on the wiki.
2 of the 8 staff members are bureaucrats, 5 are admins and 1 is a content moderator. Generally, wikis with 1000 or more pages require more staff to keep the wiki up to date.
As I mentioned in this part, wikis with more than 1000 pages generally require more staff members to keep the wiki up to date.
If you want to help the wiki, you can apply for staff. Staff applications are always open.
As I mentioned in this part, staff applications are always open. Those who want to help can apply.
The current activity on the wiki may seem to prevent users from applying
But as Caburum said, but if anyone here is interested in becoming staff, please let me know what requirement issues you're running in to and we can figure out how to fix it.
Requirements for staff positions for those who want to apply
You must have at least 30 edits in the main area (excluding user and talk pages).
Show that you are aware of the Manual of Style (like undoing bad edits)
You must have made high quality edits on the wiki
Content Moderator
You must have at least 75 edits in the main area (excluding user and talk pages).
Show that you are aware of the Manual of Style (like undoing bad edits)
You must have made high quality edits on the wiki
Discussions Moderator
You must have at least 75 posts
Show that you are aware of the rules (like reporting bad posts)
Most of your posts should be high quality, meaning no reposts, off topic, short questions or low effort posts