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@I cant find a username why @LazyTiger0203
Parts so far:
Mission (you are here)
Yellow was driving the escape pod built into Navigation, Cyan was bandaging up White and Brown from their injuries against Purple and they'd found Orange in the room when they'd left. Brown tried contacting Green on Mira over and over but the service was always horrible, since, y'know, THEY'RE IN SPACE.
"So.. Orange.. how are you alive? We watched Purple practically devour you." Cyan asked.
"Oh, that's a weird thing. Somehow the darn fool didn't even leave a scratch on my body, even though I felt the pain. I heard some sort of glimmering noise though." Orange responded.
"Uhh.. that doesn't make sense.. How can very obvious gigantic bites that you felt not leave a scratch?"
"I guess we'll never know.. By the way, Yellow, are we nearly there yet?"
"Yep, just 58 hours left."
"That's two days!"
"It's a part of the adventure! Let's sing! 30,000,000 bottles of pop on the wall..."
"49,216 bottles of pop on the wall, 49,216 bottles of poh.. *pant*... *pant* Why did I *gag* sing for 58 hours.."
Yellow fainted and fell off the pilot chair. Brown, White, Cyan and Orange let out a sigh of relief in unison, pushed Yellow out of the way and Brown took the wheel for the short amount of time in between their landing and not landing. In a short amount of time, they'd landed on the Launchpad again. They all exited the escape pod (AKA, Navigation) and went over to Green, who was waiting for them at the Cafeteria.
"Hey Green!" Yellow happily exclaimed.
"Yellow." Green replied.
"Can we have a few days off? I'd like to mourn for our fallen." Cyan asked.
"Sure, you, Yellow and Orange can. White, if you don't mind, I'd appreciate if you kept cooking here. Your meals are better than these crappy ones made by this awful chef."
"I'll think about it." White said.
"Alright, I'm gonna go to the Greenhouse. It was both Red and Tan's favorite room.." Orange said.
"I'll go with you, I don't want to go mourn alone. That would feel disrespectful."
Cyan, Orange and White all left. Yellow happily bounced out of a cafeteria seat, and got ready to leap around the place, but Green put a hand on his head.
"Yellow, I have a mission for you."
"Ooh, yay! What is it?"
"We've gotten reports from our Polus team that there's been paranormal activity and they're looking for a cameraman."
"Oh, cool! It's more of a hobby though-
"Yellow, this will define your career. Don't you want to see Polus, have fun there, and take records of paranormal activity?"
"Well, when you put it like that.... THAT SOUNDS AWESOME!! I'LL HAPPILY GO!"
"Oh, well good luck. It may be risky going alone."
"..Nobody's coming with me?"
"There's the five crewmembers on Polus, but otherwise, yeah, you're on your own."
"You're not coming?"
"Please no, I've got tons of work to do and I'd rather not die on an alien planet."
"Alright.. that kills the mood. I'll pack my bags.."
"Good. I expect you to return once that's either been captured on camera, sorted out, or both."
Yellow skipped down the halls, bumbling like a bee. Green sat at the Cafeteria, trying to wonder how someone could be so happy-go-lucky after witnessing their crewmembers dying. Green was good friends with some of those.. Red, Pink, Tan.. he feels horrible knowing he'll never see them again. He wants to walk down to the Greenhouse and catch Cyan and Orange there, willing to give them a heavy hearted farewell. However, he needs to focus on business, so he instead runs over to Yellow, who is at the Locker Room.
"Green!! Are you coming now?!"
"No, but I have something important for you. Lime's done it again and we have a portable communicator to give you. It will help us track your location to keep you safe, on the right track to make sure you don't end up getting lost like the idi... funny guy, that you are.. and just press the button on it if you're in an emergency. Suppliers, put the fuel into the shuttle Yellow's going in. Put some extra in, I don't trust him enough to go without spare. Now, I have.. something I need to do." Green said.
Green walked away from the Locker Room. He hoped that Cyan and Orange hadn't left the Greenhouse yet so he could join them and bid them farewell. As luck would have it, they were.
"Green? What's up?"
"Not my spirits.. I.. feel like we need to give the lost ones a goodbye. I've saved something for a while now in the Office to show you guys really quickly."
Green walked over to the Office, while Cyan and Orange just stared at eachother, confused. Usually, Green only talks about business and how they'll succeed in whatever they're doing. Green walks over to them again, carrying a miniature wooden ship with a waving sign on one of the sails. He got the two to follow him down to the Cafeteria. He got a few balloons in Storage, and a few board game pieces of the five lost ones' colors, and walked down to the Balcony. White ran out from the kitchen to the Balcony with the other three, and Green gently held the small boat out off the Balcony, and waved goodbye. Orange, Cyan and White waved too, but after a few seconds Cyan choked up and began crying, White blew his nonexistent nose with a tissue and Orange tried fighting the tears. Green stared as the ship flew away into the clouds, and other staff members in Mira; Lime, Banana, Rose and Maroon, also walked out onto the Balcony to watch the ship float away before it disappeared from sight. It didn't feel right without Yellow to boost the mood, and Green regretted getting him to leave already, but it was too late, and he thought Yellow would be annoyed with him now if he got him back now, and also the ship was floating away from sight anyway. Little did the Mira's know, the four dead Crewmate's ghosts were watching the boat of their own life sail away too, appreciative of their farewell.