I wanna talk about this wiki for a moment..
What the hell, this place actually bad.
Whoever made this and the people who are mods here have no clue what "freedom" means, because the rules are strict as hell.
Here's a list of the rules if you don't remember/know them!!
1: norm fandom rules
2: no offtopic posts/discussions
3: no leaks for among us
4: mods must follow intersloth mod policy
5: no advertising
6: posts/comments can be deleted by mods at any time
7: no low effort posts
8: no replicating/duplicating posts at all
9: videos must have reason to be posted
10: don't solicit likes/replies
11: don't mention users unless they have some importance in the post/comment
12: posts must be put in correct category
13: one roleplay+signups for roleplay can only be in one post
14: no necroposting
15: no shipping
Okay, let's focus on a select few. 2,6,7,9,12,13, and 15.
So, rule two...do I even have to say anything? It's stupid that we can't post offtopic stuff here, when every other wiki let's us.
Rule six...it's too bad that mods can delete posts/comments whenever without reason. I've had two posts that related to among us or a among us series or something like that, just taken down without reason. Some of us take minutes, hours even to make some posts, and you guys have the ability to delete them whenever? At least give us a damn reason.
Rule seven. Okay, I get you want people to have some effort in their posts, but guess what, WE ALL AREN'T DARN NOVEL WRITERS. I had a post for one of my c.ai bots taken down because it was "offtopic" or something. I spent over 10 minutes writing that shit and over 3 hours drawing the thumbnail for it...AND IT'S CALLED "low effort"!?!????!?!!
Rule nine. Videos don't need a reason to be posted. If we want to post a video for the memes or lols, let us. People post random shit everywhere all the time, with a reason or not.
Rule twelve. Instead of just deleting them, change the damn category or ask the person who made the post to. And what if a post fits into two categories? Do you still delete it?
Rule thirteen....okay, what if a person wants to tell people about a RP they're gonna make in a few weeks, and then post it a few weeks later, but gets deleted because it's not in the same post as the first one. Well, let me tell you something mods, POSTS HAVE A DARN TIME LIMIT FOR EDITS.
And finally, rule fifteen. No shipping characters? Seriously? Oh no, are the little baby mods scared of two beans kissing? Go to the hell. Shipping characters is what makes a fandom enjoyable. If you don't like someone shipping characters, keep it to yourself and don't harass them. (I had a post taken down because it was asking people to guess ships for my series..MY SERIES WITH MY OWN AMONG US OCS.)
jeez, no wonder this wiki- no, this whole fandom is dying. It's own mods are progressively killing it off and making it unenjoyable.