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Engine Room is a location in Among Us, located on The Airship. It is one of three rooms that players may start in after an emergency meeting.[1]


Engine Room is a large, long room with entrances to the left, above, and to the right. A crane is positioned in the top-right corner, as well as two engines to the left side of the room. Sets of stairs are positioned at the top and right entrances, as well as near the bottom of the room. At the bottom staircase lies a vent and a panel for what seems to be the Fuel Engines task.


The Airship[]

Name Stages Task Type
Accept Diverted Power 2 of 2 ???
Fuel Engines ?B of ? ???



The Skeld カフェテリア · 管理室 · 保管庫 · 電気室 · 下部エンジン · 原子炉 · セキュリティルーム · 上部エンジン · 医務室 · ウェポンルーム · 酸素ルーム · ナビゲーション · シールドルーム · 通信室
Mira HQ 発射台 · 医務室 · 通信室 · ロッカールーム · 除染室 · 原子炉 · 研究室 · 廊下 · 管理室 · オフィス · 温室 · カフェテリア · 保管庫 · バルコニー
Polus ドロップシップ · 外観 · 保管庫 · 電気室 · セキュリティルーム · 酸素ルーム · ボイラールーム · ウェポンルーム · 通信室 · 観測点 · オフィス · 管理室 · 除染室 · 標本室 · 研究室
The Airship Armory · Brig · Cockpit · 電気室 · Engine Room · Gap Room · Hall of Portraits · Kitchen · Lounge · Main Hall · Medical · Meeting Room · Records · Security · Showers · Vault · Ventilation · Viewing Deck