The Swarshburgalor is a hat in Among Us. It is included with the game for free on all platforms. Color variations can be bought in the shop for 150 each.
The Swarshburgalor is a brownish-red do-rag that is tied over the top of a player's head.
- Coal: the do-rag is recolored to black.
- Desert: the do-rag is recolored to tan.
- Woodland: the do-rag is recolored to green.
- Purple: the do-rag is recolored to purple.
- Sky: the do-rag is recolored to sky blue.
- Snow: the do-rag is recolored to white.
- Citrus: the do-rag is recolored to yellow.
- The Italian name of this hat is "Pirata dei Caraibi" (Italian for "Pirate of the Caribbean"), a reference to the movie franchise Pirates of the Caribbean.