Moderator Applications Open Again
Mod applications have closed, and we are working on reviewing them. If we need to ask some questions we will contact you via Discord. Quick reminder that asking if you made it or when we will be finished will probably get you disqualified.
It's that time again! We are now opening mod applications.
This time we are looking for possibly 1 Discussion Mod (who takes care of Discussions and our Discord server) and 1-2 Content Mods because recently we have gotten a huge spike in vandalism and discussions!
Discord server].}}
Quick note: All staff must have and use Discord as that is our main way of communication.
We will be accepting applications until 12/10/20 at 12PM (noon) EST. The application will have a series of questions.
If you have any questio…
Among Us Wiki YouTube Channel
Hi guys, the wiki has its own YouTube channel. It was announced on our Twitter yesterday, and was created by the Project YouTube, a group formed by staff members and non-staff users. Here, I will discuss what content the channel will bring on its videos and also, about the Project YouTube. Also, the Minitubia has an article about the channel, so if you want to see it, click here.
The Project YouTube is a group formed by staff members and non-staff members. I am the owner of the channel, while other members include Mattbernss, Chikorita Lover, Aeywoo, Sssmartie, etc.
In the YouTube channel, will be posted tutorial videos about tasks and game mechanics in Among Us. So, if you're a newcomer from the game, these videos can help you how to play. How…
We have enabled Wiki Achievements! This means you can get cool achievements for contributing to the Wiki.
You can see the leaderboard to see who is ranked #1 or go to your user profile to see what achievements you have and can get.
More information about achievements work can be found here.
A list of our achievements can be found here.
Have fun and happy editing.
We are also working on making better icons for the achievement so if you have an idea please leave a comment [ here]!
Among Us Wiki Twitter
We just created our own Twitter account. We'll tweet Among Us related things, as well as Wiki announcements and a few other things! Make sure to follow us, as well as Innersloth. Also, don't forget to join our Discord server where you can chat and play games with other members!